Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It is starting to cool down here in Chicago. My students are so excited about being able to see their breath now, but somehow think they don't have to wear their winter jackets outside? I am getting use to the common request, "Will you zipper me up?" and kids wondering where they put their gloves and hats. I have already had one kid put on another kid's jacket and go home with it on. Seriously, how do you not know you are not wearing your own jacket? Only in kindergarten do things like this happen.

Because it is cooling down, I wanted a warm dish. I decided to make a risotto recipe I found online. I bought asparagus on Monday under the pretenses I was just going to roast it with lemons, garlic, pepper, and olive oil. I'm glad I found another use for it.

Risotto Recipe

Blanche asparagus for 2 minutes in 3 cups veggie stock
Strain asparagus and save the stock and put on simmer

Cook 3/4 cup onion in 1 1/2 tbs olive oil for 3 minutes
Add 2 tablespoons minced garlic and cook for 3 minutes
Add 1/2 cup white wine and 1/4 teaspoon saffron
Add 1 cup rice and cook until rice is opaque
I then added collard greens for B vitamins
Add artichokes

Once liquid is absorbed, add 1/2 cup stock and stir
Once the liquid is absorbed, add another 1/2 cup
Do this until you only have 1/2 cup stock left 

Add asparagus into the pot
Add tomatoes (I used several stewed tomatoes that were in my fridge)
Add 1/4 cup nutritional yeast

I served dinner with mixed fruit and salad. John ate all his meal. The wine added an interesting flavor when mixed with the nutritional yeast. I would add less onion next time. I am not the biggest onion fan. I have just recently started cooking with onions. All these years I had no idea why I hated onions. John and I were talking about McDonald's one day, and it dawned on me. When I was a kid, on occasion, I would have a McDonald's hamburger. On the hamburger were tiny, little minced onions. I remember thinking they tasted horrible. I think this is where my onion aversion originated. 

I need to brainstorm what to make tomorrow night. John will be at a work event so it will be just like old times; kicking it with the boys (my two cats, Max and Handel). 

Happy Cooking!

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