Because it is cooling down, I wanted a warm dish. I decided to make a risotto recipe I found online. I bought asparagus on Monday under the pretenses I was just going to roast it with lemons, garlic, pepper, and olive oil. I'm glad I found another use for it.
Risotto Recipe
Blanche asparagus for 2 minutes in 3 cups veggie stock
Strain asparagus and save the stock and put on simmer
Cook 3/4 cup onion in 1 1/2 tbs olive oil for 3 minutes
Add 2 tablespoons minced garlic and cook for 3 minutes
Add 1/2 cup white wine and 1/4 teaspoon saffron
Add 1 cup rice and cook until rice is opaque
I then added collard greens for B vitamins
Add artichokes
Once liquid is absorbed, add 1/2 cup stock and stir
Once the liquid is absorbed, add another 1/2 cup
Do this until you only have 1/2 cup stock left
Add asparagus into the pot
Add tomatoes (I used several stewed tomatoes that were in my fridge)
Add 1/4 cup nutritional yeast
I served dinner with mixed fruit and salad. John ate all his meal. The wine added an interesting flavor when mixed with the nutritional yeast. I would add less onion next time. I am not the biggest onion fan. I have just recently started cooking with onions. All these years I had no idea why I hated onions. John and I were talking about McDonald's one day, and it dawned on me. When I was a kid, on occasion, I would have a McDonald's hamburger. On the hamburger were tiny, little minced onions. I remember thinking they tasted horrible. I think this is where my onion aversion originated.
I need to brainstorm what to make tomorrow night. John will be at a work event so it will be just like old times; kicking it with the boys (my two cats, Max and Handel).
Happy Cooking!